Teeth Whitening: The Science Behind a Beautiful Smile
Many people yearn for a beautiful smile that brightens their entire face. After all, our face is the first thing people see when they look
Many people yearn for a beautiful smile that brightens their entire face. After all, our face is the first thing people see when they look
Cosmetic dentistry can do many things. Although most people praise cosmetic dentistry for its aesthetic abilities, there is far more to cosmetic dentistry besides simply
Have you been dreaming of a beautiful, white smile but don’t want to deal with the hassle of undergoing lengthy dental treatments? Then no prep
Did you know that there is more than one kind of dental implant? In fact, there are a variety of dental implants that can offer
You finally decided to take the plunge and makeover your smile. Depending on the restoration method you chose, the process of altering your smile
Imagine a world where you can eat anything you want, taste food again, have no pain when you chew or eat, no longer have bad
Imagine a world where you can eat anything you want, taste food again, have no pain when you chew or eat, no longer have bad
Useful information on Dental Implants Is a dental implant right for you? A dental implant may be the best option for restoring your smile when
Our patients often are under the impression that implants and implant crown take a long time to complete. You have to wait for the bone to heal but
Dental Implants: Are You Calculating the Cost Right? Whether you are having your teeth cleaned or having them whitened or restored, the treatments you obtain
Beautiful Tooth Restorations at Lerner Lemongello Dentistry Don’t let tooth decay or other damage to your teeth prevent you from looking and feeling your best.
At Lerner Lemongello Dentistry, patients in and around the area of Palm Beach Gardens, FL have the ability to repair and restore their smile with
Mon - Thu : 8am - 5pm
Fri - Sun: Closed