Cosmetic Dentist?

Ever notice how every dentist now is a Cosmetic Dentist.  Any dentist can take a weekend course and consider themselves a cosmetic dentist.  Actually they don’t even need to take a course.  In today’s’ world just because a dentist has what appears to be a state of the art office doesn’t mean he is qualified in cosmetic dentistry. So how is a consumer hoping to transform their smile supposed to know who to choose?  One way is to ask the right questions!  Can the dentist show you before and after photos of other patients’ treated in the office?  Has the dentist taken hands on instruction in cosmetic dentistry?  Does the dentist teach these techniques to other dentists?  Do other specialists in the field recommend the dentist?  Can you personally speak to actual patients that have been treated?  In our office, Drs. Lerner and Lemongello can answer yes to all these questions.  Can the dentist you are considering treatment with do the same? If not perhaps you need to make an appointment in our office.