Cosmetic Dentistry in Palm Beach Gardens

Your smile is one of the very first details of your appearance to get noticed. This happens whether you want it to or not, so why not take control of it to the greatest extent possible?

Here at Lerner & Lemongello in Palm Beach Gardens, you can receive outstanding care from one of two highly-experienced dentists who have elected to focus their work on cosmetic and restorative treatments. Our dentists and staff understand the lifelong value of an amazing smile, and we put our best efforts into helping you restore or create yours! For more information, contact us today at (561) 627-9000.

What Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments Do You Offer?

Drs. Lerner and Lemongello address cosmetic concerns from the very slightest to the most significant. This may revolve around discoloration or a mild degree of misalignment or it may involve more comprehensive reconstructive issues like tooth loss. In the area of purely cosmetic dentistry, we frequently perform the following treatments:

What Can Cosmetic Dentistry Treatment Do for Me?

Are your teeth not as white and radiant as they used to be? Do you have a chip in a tooth, or a tooth that just doesn’t seem to fit with all the others in your smile? Your smile is a big part of who you are. It is a part of you that gives that first impression of your personality. How you feel about your smile affects your confidence and how you interact with others. Cosmetic dentistry with Dr. Lerner or Dr. Lemongello gives you the opportunity to correct discoloration that has occurred over the years. It presents the chance to create the smile of your dreams, too! Using advanced technology, modern dental materials, and an artful eye, our dentists can address the full range of cosmetic dental woes, often within one or two visits. Ultimately, what cosmetic dentistry does is give you back full ownership of your smile aesthetic, one treatment at a time.

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Treatment Painful?

If you’ve visited the dentist for restorative treatment like a filling or a root canal, you may have come to associated dental treatment with pain. This isn’t the case. Regardless of the procedure you need to elevate your smile, our team will work to ensure your comfort. One of the reasons that dental treatments can be uncomfortable is that the dentist must use a drilling instrument to remove a portion of natural enamel. The vibrations of the instrument can stimulate the nerve of the tooth, creating discomfort. To make sure this doesn’t happen, we administer an effective dose of local anesthetic.

We hear you. “Don’t injections of dental anesthetic hurt?” They don’t have to. We are mindful of every aspect of the care we provide. Our anesthetic injections may be given only after we’ve applied a topical anesthetic to numb the area, turning once-painful injections into a momentary nuisance. Once you’ve received the local anesthetic, the area of study should be nicely numbed, ready to undergo smile-boosting treatment!

Schedule your Consultation Today!

Your smile matters to you, so it matters to us. Contact Lerner & Lemongello, where we create Florida’s Most Beautiful Smiles, at (561) 627-9000.

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