Why Does My Dental Crown Hurt?

Dental crowns have been one of the cornerstone treatments of restorative dentistry for years. This full-coverage restoration is now made to look completely natural and also to last for as long as possible. We are proud to provide lifelike dental crowns to patients in need of tooth repair that extends beyond the capabilities of a standard filling. Here, we discuss aspects of crown pain such as when it might be normal and when you should seek dental care.

Is it ever normal for a dental crown to hurt?

The whole point of getting a dental crown is to end the pain that may have originated from a cavity or other damage. It is understandable that pain after this restorative treatment would feel alarming. There is a small window after dental crown treatment in which slight discomfort may be reasonably explained. Usually, pain that occurs after a crown has been installed is short-lived and related to the mild irritation that has developed in the nerve of the tooth during the reduction process.

If pain persists after a dental crown has been installed or if pain develops some time after treatment, we need to explore why.

Pain may be nerve-related.

One of the common reasons why people get dental crowns is because an old filling has failed. Fillings have a lifespan of several years but usually need to be replaced at some point, and replacement means removal of the original restoration. To remove an old filling, material and a slight amount of tooth structure are drilled away. Because the nerve of the tooth had been disrupted once before, when the initial filling was placed, the additional disruption may cause the nerve to become overreactive. To resolve this type of crown pain, we may recommend a root canal.

Pain could mean you have a cavity.

A dental crown encases the visible part of the tooth. However, decay could still develop in the tiny space between the edge of the crown and the root at the gum line. In many cases of decay around a crown, gum recession is a factor. When gums pull away from tooth structure, bacteria have space in which to hide. For this reason, we encourage patients to visit our Palm Beach Gardens office every six months for a thorough checkup and cleaning in which dental crowns are carefully examined.

Dental crown pain is not something to ignore. If you have questions about sudden dental symptoms, call (561) 627-9000.