It is not a good idea to use super glue to re-cement a crown

It is not a good idea to use super glue to re-cement a crown.  When a crown comes out there can be a number of reasons for this happening.  Usually the cement holding it in finally gives out or possibly there is a new cavity underneath and the crown comes out.  If this occurs contact your dentist as soon as possible to replace it.  The longer it remains out the greater the potential for problems with fitting it back in.  There are temporary cement materials available over the counter at the pharmacy that may hold you over until you see a dentist but don’t use super glue.  Recently we saw a patient who did and it created a number of additional problems.  Chances are it will create problems for you too and may even cause you to need a new crown instead of just replacing the old one.  It could be a costly mistake.  Our office and our doctors are always available for emergency treatment.