Restoring Smiles for Victims of Domestic Violence

Today we restored the smile of a young women from Altemont Springs, Florida with a troubled past.  As a young women she became involved in an abusive  relationship.  With the help of those around her she has now moved on from this unfortunate situation and is getting her life back on track.  However, when this pretty 26 year old looks in the mirror she is still reminded of the scars of the past having lost her front teeth from the physical abuse.  Today her life has changed and she can smile again with confidence.  Today she completed her Smile Makeover with all porcelain bridges.  Now when whe looks in the mirror she sees the pretty young women  she is both inside and out. With the help of the American Acedemy of Cosmetc Dentisry and the Give Back a Smile Foundation, Adrian Jurim from Jurim Dental Studios in New York and Dr. Lemongello she can smile again..  It is very fulfilling creating such beautiful smiles and changing lives.