The Surprising Link Between Your Teeth and Sinuses

Although majority of our patients here at our Palm Beach Gardens cosmetic dentistry practice visit our clinic to figure out ways to improve their smile, we also have patients who complain of toothache accompanied with sinus problems. On a broader perspective, one might not be able to make the connection between one’s oral health and the state of one’s sinuses. Yet looking at it closely, the state of your mouth and teeth could actually influence the state of your sinuses ( and vice-versa). Read on for more information below!

Understanding the Location and Function of Your Sinuses

Your sinuses (there are actually four of them) are situated mainly in your face; they can be found around the cheeks, nose, and above the eyes. The sinuses on each side of your nose are referred to as maxillary sinuses and are actually in close proximity to the roots of your upper teeth.

Every time you take a breath through your nose, air passes through your sinuses on their way to your lungs. Although the main purpose of your sinuses are still unclear, it is believed that they help humidify the air your breathe.

How Your Teeth Can Cause Sinus Pain

As mentioned earlier, the state of your mouth and teeth could actually influence the state of your sinuses ( and vice-versa). First things first, how does your teeth can cause sinus pain?

Your maxillary sinuses are connected to the upper roots of your teeth via the alveolar process. When the tooth roots are infected, there’s a huge chance that the infection will extend into the nearest sinuses via the alveolar process. Infection of the tooth roots is often caused by poor oral hygiene.

How Your Sinuses Can Cause Tooth Pain

Just as the roots of your upper teeth could spread infection to your maxillary sinuses, the same goes for infection in your sinuses. There are cases in which inflamed maxillary sinuses goes below and overlaps with the tooth roots that are in close proximity, resulting to tooth infection and/or formation of abscess.

If you suspect that your tooth pain may be caused by an underlying sinus problem or the other way around, we encourage you to get in touch with us as soon as you can.  Contact Drs. Lerner and Lemongello for an appointment by calling 561-627-9000 or fill out this contact form. We’d love to hear from you!