The Benefits of Professional Tooth Whitening

We’ve all seen the ads and the products at the grocery store – toothpaste, mouthwash, and kits that promise to give you white, gorgeous teeth. If you really want the most bang for your buck, you may be wondering what’s better: those kits at the grocery store or a professional treatment. Of course, a dentist’s office will be a bit biased about which you should choose when it comes to getting your teeth their whitest, but here is some information about the benefits of professional tooth whitening so that you can decide for yourself!

Professional tooth whitening vs. at-home treatments

Here are a few benefits to getting your teeth whitened professionally:

·      You’ll notice results as soon as you have tooth whitening done at your dentist’s office, unlike an at-home treatment, which can take a lot of time and many treatments before you see results. It is perfect if you need whiter teeth right away, such as for a wedding or for that job interview.

·      The whitening products your dentist uses are much stronger than what you can get with an in-home kit, for whiter teeth and more noticeable results.

·      Your dentist knows how to whiten your teeth safely. If the bleaching agents in the at-home kits get into your gum tissue it can make your gums sensitive or painful, but your dentist knows how to avoid this and protect your gums and teeth.

·      Your dentist can answer your questions and give you detailed instructions on how to take care of your teeth after the procedure.

If you would still prefer to perform your teeth whitening at home, you can have many of the benefits of an in-office procedure with a take-home treatment from your dentist. One advantage of this is that your dentist can advise you on how to use the treatment safely and for the best results.

Whether you choose an in-office whitening treatment or a take-home treatment from Lerner Lemongello Dentistry, you can rest assured that you’ll end up with brilliant white teeth and a beautiful smile. Call the office in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, at (561) 627-9000 for an appointment!