Twice Yearly Dental Check-Ups Are An Absolute Must

Taking care of your health should be one of your top priorities – add to that the importance of caring for your mouth, teeth and gums. Nothing says “happy” like a beautiful smile and nothing beats clean, fresh breath. Preventing tooth decay and gum disease are a snap if you make it a priority to visit our offices for a complete dental exam and cleaning every six months.

A dental exam at Lerner & Lemongello can:

  • Diagnose serious dental and other diseases – such as oral cancer – before they become more difficult to manage and injurious to your health.
  • Save money – because any dental health issues will be treated while they are more manageable and the treatment protocol is less complicated and expensive.

During your dental exam we will:

  • Visually examine your teeth, gums, tongue and throat.
  • Perform a head and neck exam to look for anything out of the ordinary.
  • Examine your face, saliva and the movement of your lower jaw joints – TMJ problems.
  • Check your “bite,” the way your teeth fit together.
  • Evaluate the status of your existing dental restorations and fillings.
  • Recommend options for older, existing fillings and recommend other restorations, such as bridges or crowns.
  • Take x-rays and examine them carefully to help diagnose tumors, cysts, decay, and other problems that can’t be seen by the naked eye.
  • Screen for oral cancer.
  • Create a personalized oral health program which will schedule your twice yearly dental visits.
  • Clean, floss and polish your teeth to remove plaque, the sticky substance that causes tooth decay and gum disease, and the hardened plaque, tartar, above the gum line.
  • Recommend brushing and flossing techniques.

At Lerner & Lemongello we are committed to providing the best dental care for our friends in Palm Beach Gardens. To learn more, call to schedule an appointment, today: (561) 627-9000.