Refresh your Face by Reviving Your Smile

Aging is a condition that humans have long wished to postpone. We are in a day an age in which it is easier than it has ever been to postpone the development of lines and wrinkles, and to correct age-related cosmetic concerns without much investment or down time.  A quick visit to a dermatologist or med spa and crow’s feet or frown lines can be gone for several months. On the same train of thought, we have to point out that a quick visit to our general and cosmetic dentistry practice in Palm Beach Gardens can also have a dramatic affect on facial aging.

A Bright Smile Isn’t a Guarantee

We see so much radiance in the smiles of celebrities and other people that there may be a misperception that teeth are either white or they aren’t.  The shade of teeth is only partially related to genetics, because our genes may dictate how thick enamel is. Aside from that, though, teeth discolor simply because we eat. When we eat, microscopic bits of debris get into the tubules of our teeth. These are similar to the pores of our skin. Once debris gets in, it cannot get out. Teeth whitening is performed to break up those particles so light can reach the depths of enamel and reflect more radiantly and brightly.

How to Get a Great Smile

Teeth whitening is a convenient method of removing stains from teeth that may be conducted at home or in the dental office. We offer both forms of treatment to make it as easy as possible for our patients to get the smile they desire. Professional teeth whitening revolves around the breakdown of debris. Each form of treatment does the same thing, reach into enamel with a controlled dose of peroxide. The difference is not in the results; it is in the method of whitening. Patients who choose in-office teeth whitening can look up to ten years younger in about an hour.

With age, we can expect the radiance in our smile to degrade; but we don’t have to accept this. You don’t have to accept a dull, yellow smile. Call (561) 627-9000 to schedule your teeth whitening treatment.