Have you been thinking about doing something about your crooked teeth? There is no shame in wearing metal braces, but the Invisalign straightening system has many benefits over this old-fashioned way of straightening teeth. Read on for more information about this practically invisible way to make dramatic changes to your smile.
What is Invisalign?
You probably have a friend, family member, or coworker who uses Invisalign, but you don’t even know it. Patients who use Invisalign are given clear, plastic trays that fit over the teeth and are next-to-impossible to see. They gradually move the teeth into the proper position, and new trays are given about every 2 weeks.
What are the benefits of Invisalign?
Patients who have tried Invisalign are overwhelmingly satisfied with the results, but there are other reasons to give it a try:
1. You don’t have to worry about what you eat or drink. With traditional metal braces, there is a list of foods to avoid because the braces could be damaged. With Invisalign, you simply take the tray out before eating and then put it back in when you’re done, so there are no restrictions.
2. Invisalign trays are much more comfortable than metal braces. Anyone who has ever had braces can tell you about wires poking, brackets that rub against the cheek, and the achy feeling that comes after braces are tightened. Invisalign trays may take a few hours to get used to, and you can feel your teeth moving, but they don’t come with the discomfort of braces.
3. You can keep your teeth clean. Metal braces can make it difficult to get teeth really clean, what with maneuvering around the wires and brackets. With Invisalign, simply take out the tray and brush and floss normally.
4. Invisalign trays are perfect for people who used to have braces but are now seeing their teeth moving out of place again.
If you want to do something about crooked teeth but don’t want to deal with metal braces, Invisalign may just be the answer for you. Contact Lerner Lemongello Dentistry today for an Invisalign consultation. Call the office in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, at (561) 627-9000!